Dear Apple, please don't make the best iPhone 7 features 'Plus only'
The wait for the iPhone 7 is killing me. My bruised, worn and cracked iPhone 6 is barely hanging on and I'm not dumb enough to buy a new iPhone when I know the next model is right around the corner.
There have been many, many iPhone 7 rumors. The idealist me wants to be believe they'll all be wrong and Apple will surprise us all with an iPhone 7 like nothing we've ever seen before. The realist in me, however, is pretty sure the iPhone 7 will be boring, and the real iPhone overhaul won't come until next year.l
This week's rant isn't going to focus on how similar the iPhone 7 will look to the iPhone 6S or how Apple will piss everyone off by removing the headphone jack, but how Apple might finally create a huge gulf between the "regular" 4.7-inch model and the 5.5-inch "Plus-sized" one.
For two generations (iPhone 6 and 6S), the only key differences between the 4.7- and 5.5-inch models has been screen size, battery life and optical image stabilization (OIS) for the camera.
Screen size isn't a huge deal. Apple provides two options (three if you include the iPhone SE) — to please all hand and pocket sizes.
The Plus-sized iPhone 6 and 6S are physically larger and have room for a bigger battery. The Plus-sized phone lasts a day and a half, but charging every night on the 4.7-inch model isn't really a deal-breaker, either. Plus, a battery case or battery pack easily makes up for the smaller battery.
Apple's decision to make OIS exclusive to the Plus models, which helps reduce motion blur and generally makes photos and videos sharper, is also not the end of the world. Just learn to be a better human tripod instead.
Truthfully, after perfecting my human tripod stances, I can't say I've ever thought "My iPhone photos would be better if only I had gotten the iPhone 6 Plus with OIS."
Great photos are great not because of just the tech (though it certainly helps), but because of the photographer's eye for composition and editing. And most of all: practice, practice, practice. Oh, and patience.

Bigger differences coming?

But when the iPhone 7 is announced in September and Apple's keynote is over, fans are almost certainly going to have a very difficult decision to make. 
Do you get the iPhone 7, which will likely come with a single camera and smaller screen, or do you get the iPhone 7 Plus, which will most likely come with a dual-camera setup on the back and a larger screen.
At this point, there are too many rumors and reports from purported Chinese factory leaks to well-sourced news publications for the iPhone 7 Plus to not come with two rear cameras.

Like LG and Huawei, Apple will make the case that two back cameras are better than one. How will the two rear cameras work? That's still unknown.
Will they work like the LG G5's dual cameras — one with a normal field of view and the other with an ultra-wide lens for capturing sweeping landscapes and groufies? That would be something I would pine for after loving it on the G5.
Or will Apple follow Huawei's P9 and use one camera to capture a color image, the other to capture a monochrome image, and then use software to composite them into one really sharp photo?
Whatever Apple decides, the Plus model is going to have a superior camera to smaller iPhone just because of that extra camera lens, creating a scenario of: Bigger really is better.
If you're like me, and you want the best smartphone camera but don't want a phablet brick, you're going to seriously miss out by not getting the Plus model.
And that's not all. Apple could also make the new all-but-confirmed 256GB storage feature exclusive to the larger iPhone, too. Apple's reasoning will probably be something like: "The iPhone 7 Plus takes higher-resolution photos. You're going to need more storage to store them all."

Buying an iPhone will get so much harder

As if picking an iPhone based on color (rose gold or not rose gold? Oh, the agony) wasn't already the hardest part of the buying decision already (I kid), now we're all going to have to decide if the camera is important enough for us to switch to a phablet? I feel you Darth Vader, I feel you:
Of course the camera is going to be an important decision. It's arguably the most important decision when buying a smartphone nowadays.
I don't know what I'm going to do. I'll have to wait until Apple officially announces the iPhones to see if my life will be torn apart over a camera.
But that just means I'll be tormenting myself this summer not knowing. FML. Dammit, Apple. Why do you gotta go and make this even harder?
Dear Apple, please don't make the best iPhone 7 features 'Plus only' Dear Apple, please don't make the best iPhone 7 features 'Plus only' Reviewed by Unknown on 13:53:00 Rating: 5

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